As we embark on a journey that invites us to savour the beauty of each passing moment in the tapestry of life, it is key that we stop to find joy in the aging process. As we navigate the realm of grateful aging, I often draw inspiration from the teachings of mindfulness and the shared wisdom of Pema Chodron – Buddhist teacher, author and nun.

Pema Chodron’s teachings remind us of the power of presence – the ability to inhabit each moment fully, without the burden of past regrets or the pull of future worries. It is through this lens of presence that we can begin to unearth the precious jewels hidden within our lives, as the years unfold.

What and How Does Being Mindful Aging Help with Finding Joy?

Mindful aging reminds us to become attuned to the symphony of our senses, to listen to the soft whispers of the wind, to savour the delicate flavours of our meals, and to feel the warmth of the sun’s embrace. By embracing our senses, we step into the sacred sanctuary of the present moment, where true joy resides.

Let’s remember to engage in practical exercises that infuse mindfulness into our daily routines. Engaging in deep breaths before a meal, observing the intricate details of a leaf or simply grounding ourselves in the sensation of our steps – these practices transform the mundane into moments of profound connection.

Each phase of life offers unique gifts waiting to be unwrapped. Pema’s wisdom encourages us to relinquish the struggle against change and embrace the ebb and flow of life’s natural rhythm. It’s through this acceptance that we unearth the joy hidden within the very core of our existence.

As we cultivate the art of mindfulness, unveil the boundless joy that accompanies each breath, each step, and each moment we are gifted. Come back often to learn the benefits of mindful aging, how mindfulness positively affects our mental health as we age and impacts gratitude and resilience.

With mindful presence.

Much love,


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